Are your days picking up their pace or is it just me? The global ‘pause’ is definitely coming off here in the U.S. as more people get vaccinated and things open up faster. The fam and I left town for a few days outside of LA and it was eye-opening how open less-populated areas are. It was nice not to have the ‘fear-of-people’ energy LA has been suffering through.
And you know me–never lose an opportunity to think about things, haha! Which is why I am still considering how to make the best use of this past year. I mean, since we’ve had so much time to consider things. You’ll see that reflected in a few of the links below. 🙂
Ready for a few ideas for you (and your life) (and the world) to be just a little bit better? Here are 5 quick links to bring you a little joy, a chance to think or to provide a helpful tool to you in 5 (ish) minutes! 🙂
Hope in 5 (ish) : your weekly newsletter to make being human a little easier
- Even if you have been doing well with all the changes the past year, I’m guessing you’ve had some stress, and irritability, and sadness. The therapist in this TedTalk did a really lovely job explaining why we’ve had some of those feelings and how to get back to the mystery and surprise that makes life so interesting as we step into a post-pandemic life. (Note: I watched this on 1.25 speed as it is about 10 minutes long.)
- Speaking of figuring out how to get stuff done, this analog idea was reported to be worth nearly half a million dollars to Charles Schwab. Even though it is 100 years old, I can definitely see how it will help me on any given day. I think it will help me FOCUS, for the love. Which has been in short supply with the uncertainty of the world and also, all the people being home. Have you heard of this method? Have you tried it? Jet me an email (just hit ‘reply’) and let me know if you want to try it with me this week!
- I don’t know who needs to know about this lady, but I followed a link to see how she folds fitted sheets (honestly, the WORST thing to fold) and her whole schtick is how to fold things. It’s mesmerizing. And helpful. And also, you gotta love her passion for folding! Like, who gets to be that good at it? But highly recommend you watch a few of her short videos for the wonder and usefulness of it all.
- Another useful bit of info for walking into post-pandemic life: what to pay attention to so you don’t lose the ground you have gained as you build up your own ‘real life’. This short read is a good measuring stick for how to keep some of the things we’ve all gained this past year.
- Here’s a lovely piece of relaxing artwork for you–some of the most peaceful moments in Studio Ghibli movies all clipped together. Take a few minutes to watch. My soul exhaled in the first 10 seconds with the first ripple on a lovely pond. Worth it just to breathe and remember there are beautiful things in the world.
Melissa 🙂
p.s. Have a friend who loves Ghibli movies? Def send this along to them!
p.p.s. Oh heeey! Was this forwarded to you? You can get this nifty newsletter sent right to your inbox next week!